Legionella and Drinking Water Information

Ensuring the safety of the water supplied to the Grand Rapids community is a top priority, a responsibility we share with each member of our community. We want to reassure you that the water supplied by Grand Rapids Public Utilities (GRPU) is safe to drink. While the GRPU drinking water meets all federal and state water quality standards, we recognize that its quality can be influenced by the unique plumbing systems within individual properties after it leaves our distribution system.

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has confirmed 31 cases of Legionnaires' disease since April 2023. See the button/link below for MDH information. As noted in the February press release, the MDH investigation pointed to the municipal water system as the source of the Legionella bacteria. Your health and safety are our primary concerns, so in response, we immediately began taking steps to mitigate this issue at the utility level. The first step of our 2-prong approach was to conduct weekly sampling throughout the water system. These results are added weekly to the GRPU Monitoring page. 

The second prong of our mitigation approach focuses on the implementation of disinfection into the water system to provide an additional level of protection against waterborne bacteria.  GRPU began adding monochloramine to the water system on June 24, 2024.  To hear more about this, please watch the video recording of the town hall meeting on June 4, 2024 where GRPU's expert consultants were present to provide information and answer questions.

Home and building owners have a critical role in protecting the health of occupants and visitors.  We urge you to explore the 'Homeowner and 'Building Manager Tips' buttons/links below for guidance on maintaining the plumbing system in your home or business.  Even with GRPU's implementation of disinfection into the water system, these tips need to be followed to ensure safe and high-quality water is delivered all the way to your faucets and showers.

We are committed to keeping you informed of our efforts every step of the way. Our website has been updated to streamline access to the latest data, information, and progress reports on our remediation efforts. Please refer to the sections below for detailed updates and resources. Please stay informed by visiting our website regularly.

Together, through vigilant maintenance and informed practices, we can ensure the continued safety and quality of our water. Thank you for your attention, understanding, and cooperation as we navigate this challenge together with your health and well-being at the forefront of our actions.

To request sampling, please fill out the Volunteer Legionella Testing Form online and email it to info@GRPUC.org. For your convenience, printed forms are also available at the GRPU service center.