Welcome to Grand Rapids Public Utilities



The Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission (GRPUC) is a municipal utility established by the City of Grand Rapids, MN.  Utilities under the jurisdiction of the GRPUC include electric distribution, water treatment and distribution, and wastewater collection and treatment.

For any billing or customer service inquiries, please contact us via email at info@grpuc.org or call 218-326-7024.

Safe Use of Generators

MARCH CUSTOMER CAMPAIGN - Safe Use of Generators

Grand Rapids Public Utilities knows a portable generator can be a reliable backup during outages. Always use generators outdoors, away from windows, to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Plug appliances directly into the generator or use a heavy-duty outdoor-rated extension cord to avoid dangerous back-feeding. For more tips on safe use of generators, see our fact sheet.

Lead and Copper Service Lines

GRPU News - Lead and Copper Service Lines

Grand Rapids Public Utilities is working on our lead service line inventory as required by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Please read more about the inventory work here along with the required process to replace lead line in the coming decade.

Caring Fund

GRPU NEWS - Community Caring Fund 

Grand Rapids Public Utilities Caring Fund is where a little change can change a lot.  When you choose to round your payment up to the next whole dollar amount, GRPU donates that amount to the Caring Fund administered by the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation. All Caring Fund donations will be used for your neighbors in utility crisis by providing small grants for emergency needs. You can sign up here to be a part of this neighbor-to-neighbor solution.