Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory


Grand Rapids Public Utilities (GRPU) is taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of its water supply by initiating a citywide inventory of lead and copper water service lines. This comprehensive project aims to identify and address any potential risks associated with such lines to provide the community with the safest water possible.

The federal Environmental Protection Agency has set guidelines to assist utilities in conducting thorough inventories of lead and copper service lines. These guidelines emphasize the importance of identifying the material of service lines and creating an accurate record to manage and mitigate potential lead and copper exposure. GRPU and the Minnesota Department of Health are committed to adhering to these guidelines to guarantee the success of the inventory project.

The inventory, which is expected to begin in May 2024, will involve a systematic assessment of water service lines throughout Grand Rapids. GRPU has partnered with local consulting firm Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) to assist us in this effort through a state grant.

GRPU is committed to prioritizing the safety of our customers by addressing any potential issues and advocating on behalf of the customer. GRPU hopes to demonstrate our commitment to transparency, accountability, and the well-being of our residents.


Service Line Photo


A service line is the pipe connecting the water main to the interior plumbing of a building, and it can be made of various materials including lead – commonly used during the 1900s through the 1940s but banned in Minnesota on January 1, 1985. The Utility has partnered with engineering firm SEH to develop a lead service line inventory, documenting the location and material of all service lines. There is no safe level of lead, and developing a lead service line inventory is the first step toward replacing any lead service lines in the City’s water system.

If your home was built before 1985, to help complete this required inventory, you have the option to either self-identify your own service line or allow City and SEH staff to inspect your service line. To self-identify your own service line, visit our web page at https://arcg.is/1b01jy1 or scan the QR code below.

Follow the directions to upload your photos, and enter the information requested, including your water billing account number: «Account»

If you would prefer not to self-identify your service line, you can schedule an appointment by visiting our online calendar at https://bit.ly/3JRM6fF.

To learn more about this project, please visit our website. If you have any additional questions, contact SEH at LSLInventory@sehinc.com or call Michele Hayes at 218.461.1360 or Rochelle Nelson at 651.490.2100.

Thank you for participating in this important and necessary endeavor.