Home Water Treatment

When considering whether to use a water softener, contact your public water system to find out if you have hard water. Many systems treat hardness, making water softeners unnecessary.

Water softeners are water treatment devices. They remove water hardness (dissolved calcium and magnesium). Water softeners must be installed and maintained properly to be safe and effective. Learn more at Home Water Softening.

The benefits of soft water include:

  • Increased efficiency for soaps and detergents.
  • Reduction in mineral staining on fixtures and in pipes.
  • A potential increase in the lifespan of water heaters.

The drawbacks of soft water include:

  • Operation and maintenance costs.
  • More sodium. People on low-sodium diets should consult a doctor if they plan to regularly consume softened water.
  • The production of salt brine as a byproduct. This can have negative effects on wastewater treatment plants and on ecosystems. Reduce the amount of salt brine used or install a salt-free system.