Grand Rapids Public Utilities (GRPU) is a statutory municipal utility established by the city of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. The Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission (GRPUC) provides full control, operation and management of the GRPU electric power distribution system, the water production, treatment and distribution systems, and the wastewater collection and treatment systems.  

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a dynamic public asset for the thriving community of Grand Rapids, enhancing lives and fostering growth through excellence in  the provision of essential utility services.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower GRPU team members to deliver safe, reliable, affordable, sustainable, and customer-focused utility services for our community.

Our Values

Safety - We hold paramount the well-being  of our employees and the public in all operations. We uphold ethical standards and foster trust with all stakeholders.

Customer Focus - We prioritize customer needs and satisfaction in all our decisions and actions.

Efficiency - We maximize resources to provide cost-effective services without compromising quality.

Reliability - We consistently deliver high-quality utility services and strive for uninterrupted access.

Sustainability - We employ environmentally responsible practices in our operations and services.

Transparency - We openly share information and decision-making processes,  promoting informed community  involvement.