Safety Camp Logo

Please complete the form below and submit to register your child(ren).  

Child's Information
First and Last Names
Gender: *
Gender of Child
Child's date of birth.
Age of child.
Child's address.
Parent/Guardian Contact Information:
Contact information for parent or guardian of child.
Please provide full name of parent or guardian.
Provide home address of parent or guardian if different from child.
Provide best number to contact parent or guardian.
Please list any additional emergency contact information, including names and phone numbers, and/or parents/guardians who are permitted to pick up your child if applicable.
Medical Information:
Provide any relevant information we need to know regarding your child's health.
Please provide information regarding any medical concerns for your child, including any medications if needed.
Please list any allergies or dietary restrictions, including any requiring medication.
Photo Release: *
I hereby give permission for my child to be photographed during the 2024 Safety Camp. I understand the photos may be used for promotional purposes by the Grand Rapids Police Department/Itasca County Sheriff's Office and its affiliates.