Donate Books

New Books

Books or other library materials purchased by the donor for presentation to the Library will be gratefully accepted, provided they meet the Library's selection policies and procedures. Accepted gift items will be integrated into the regular library collection in normal sequence, available to all library patrons, and otherwise handled as any other material belonging to the Library. Upon a donor's request, a gift bookplate will be affixed to the materials accepted by the Library.

Used Books

Used books in good condition are gladly accepted and are reviewed for possible inclusion in the Library's collection. You may bring your donations to the Library's circulation desk.

Library Staff cannot appraise materials for tax purposes. The Library will provide a receipt on request. The Library does not have sufficient staff to pick up gifts: therefore, we request that all gifts be delivered to the Library.

Materials that do not meet the Library's selection criteria will be disposed of at the discretion of the Library. Items not added to the Library's collection may be sold in the Friends of the Library Bookstore or at the Annual Used Book Sale. (Generally held the first weekend of August during Tall Timber Days) As the Library no longer purchases or accepts VHS or cassette tapes into our collection, any donations in these formats will be automatically added to the Friends of the Library Book Store.

Items that we cannot use and must pay to dispose of:

  • Outdated informational books (technology, tax, investment, medical, legal) generally more than 10 years old
  • Books that have been kept in storage and have mildewed or are infested
  • Reader's Digest Condensed books
  • Outdated textbooks (more than 10 years old)