Right-Of-Way (ROW) Maintenance
Street, Sidewalk, & Boulevard Maintenance
The Public Works (PW) Department maintains 93 miles of streets throughout the City of Grand Rapids and 16 miles of MnDOT roadways. Maintenance includes street sweeping, storm sewer maintenance, pothole patching, tree trimming, boulevard maintenance on sidewalks and general mowing. The PW Department is also responsible for overseeing street crack sealing, which prolongs the life of the city streets. The street crack sealing which follows the schedule of a 10 year Pavement Maintenance Plan developed jointly by the Engineering and the PW Departments. Please use the Quick Contact Form to the right or call the PW Department at 218-326-7480 if you have a concern within the City's Public Right of Way.
Traffic Control
Maintenance of the street and stop signs is another responsibility of the Public Works Department. When a sign is broken a temporary sign may be installed until an arrangement for its replacement can be made. As part of our efforts for public safety, while crossing city streets, you may often see the Public Works “Arrowboard” truck directing traffic in the summer as we paint crosswalks. Public Works also utilizes the "Arrowboard" truck to direct traffic when making general street repairs and also storm sewer maintenance.
Traffic Signals & City Street Lights
Traffic light repairs and outages are reported to the Public Works Department, but are then maintained by the Public Utilities. If you have any questions, or see a light out please contact Public Works at 326-7480 or 326-7481.
Mailbox Policy
The City of Grand Rapids Public Works Department has adopted a new Mailbox Policy. The purpose of this policy is to establish uniformity and consistency in the application, installation, and maintenance of mailboxes and their supports on all roadways within the city limits of Grand Rapids. For further information on this policy check out the supporting document listed below.
City Trees
The City of Grand Rapids is a proud member of Tree City USA and has maintained that status for over 20 years due to our active participation. The Public Works & Engineering Departments reforest the boulevards, parks and other public owned property. If you feel your boulevard tree may not be doing well, please give us a call at 218-326-7481, and our City Forester can come and inspect it.

Community Compost Pile
Yard compost Site Available to all Residents:
A public compost site for yard waste including grass clippings and leaves (no branches or garbage accepted) is available to all residents. The site is located on the north side of River Road approximately 450 feet east of the intersection of 8th Street SE and River Road (County Road 3). The address is 1875 River Road, Grand Rapids MN. The composted material is turned twice a year and once it becomes decayed it is available to the public. Composted yard waste recycles nutrients back into the soil and saves landfill waste. This compost site is strictly for residential use and not commercial. The public compost site is a joint partnership between the City of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission and Itasca County.
If you have questions please contact Public Works Superintendent Kevin Koetz at 218-326-7659 or the Public Works Administrative Assistant at 218‑326‑7481.
Other Entities
Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Power:
Email Public Utilities or call 218-326-7024
Garbage Pickup:
Waste Management 218-328-6213