Taxi Cab License

Taxi Cab with Taxi Service tag below

The City of Grand Rapids requires businesses wishing to operate as a Taxi Cab company within the city limits to obtain a license.  Each cab is licensed separately and must be renewed prior to expiration at the end of each calendar year.  We recommend individuals interested in operating a cab company review the City of Grand Rapids Ordinance by clicking here prior to applying.  Each cab must pass inspection, conducted by the Grand Rapids Police Department, having all required equipment as provided in the inspection form, also provided below.  

To apply: Complete the steps below and submit all to:  City of Grand Rapids, 420 N. Pokegama Avenue, Grand Rapids, MN. or email completed documents to  Fees may be mailed or you may call the City Finance Department at 218-326-7617 to pay fee via phone. 

  1. Download and complete the Taxi Cab License application.
  2. Provide certificates of general liability insurance and automobile insurance as required by the City Ordinance.
  3. Contact the Grand Rapids Police Department to schedule inspections of cab(s).  Contact: 218-326-3464 to schedule inspection(s).
  4. License Fee:  $25.00 per taxi cab.

Questions?  Please call City of Grand Rapids Administration at 218-326-7600