Molly MacGregor

Councilmember Molly MacGregor
City Councilor. Also serves as Representative to Human Rights Commission, Joint Gas Board, League of MN Cities, ARDC
Term Start Date: 
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Term End Date: 
Thursday, December 31, 2026

Molly MacGregor was elected to City Council in November 2022.  She joined Grand Rapids Planning Commission in 2018 and was elected Chair in 2020. She is retired from the State of Minnesota, serving most recently as regional planner for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. For the state, she worked with governments across northern and central Minnesota. As the first full-time Director of the Mississippi Headwaters Board, she launched the River Watch program statewide. She started and ran the Rivers Council of Minnesota for three years, and joined the state 25 years ago. At the state, she served in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, where her duties were managing large projects, funded by grants, designed to improve water resources.

She is just completing the City's Climate Action Plan, as vice-chair of the City Council’s Climate Action Advisory Committee. She also serves on the Grand Rapids Economic Development Authority and the Wester Mesabi Mine Planning Board.

She holds a master’s degree in Community Development from North Dakota State University. She lives in Northwest Grand Rapids, and is an active hiker, biker, paddler and skier.