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  1. Economic Development Authority Meeting

    Economic Development Authority | Calendar Event | 04/28/22 04:00pm

    GRAPIDSMN d8036bad-4b59-4e4f-8540-41e5de00671f Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) ...

  2. Dedicate a Bench

    Engineering / Public Works | News/Press Release | Feb 24, 2022

    If you would like to dedicate a bench, please complete the attached order form and return it to ... Z appl-bench_dedication.pdf BENCH DEDICATION ORDER FORM APPLICANT (Please Print) Name: Address: Phone: DEDICATION PLAQUE 2” ...

  3. Electric Service Policies

    Public Utilities | Page

    regular meetings.  As new content becomes available it will be posted.  Policy Table of Contents 4.1 ...

  4. 2023 City Water Rates

    Public Utilities | Page

    Adopted 12/15/2021 Effective 02/01/2022 Adopted 12/19/2018 Effective 01/01/2019 $4.36 $6.89 ...

  5. All Policies- Table of Contents

    Public Utilities | Page

    Personnel 3.3- Business Services- Finance 4.1- Electric- General 4.2- Electric- Distributed Energy 4.3- ...

  6. Citizen Involvement

    Administration | Page

    in serving, please download the  Application for Appointment  form or contact the City Clerk’s Office ... at 218-326-7600 or use the Contact Form. Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Menu ...

  7. Kill A Watt Meter

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    cumulative kilowatt-hours of energy usage, and displays volts, amps, and watts at a 0.2% accuracy rating. ...

  8. Library Volunteers

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    stands today on the Mississippi River. A "New" Library Steering committee was formed in the ... a new library. After months of study, these members recruited many more area people to form ...


    Administration | Page

    Search box. • Call us at 651-296-6181 or 1-800-657-3777 (toll-free) • Email us at ...

  10. Map Submittals

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    ��&%�)&+$���()�. ��� /012345�6789:�; <2 <=1>?> @A3B�C1D�E1=1�6789:�?@@2> 3 988�F=�?41GE�H1D <= ...
