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  1. COVID-19 Emergency Assistance

    Public Utilities | Page

    qualify. You could receive up to 15 months total assistance for:- Rent payments- Utility payments (gas, ...

  2. Water Heater Control

    Public Utilities | Page

    peak loads. What’s in it for me? Q. Will my monthly power bill be reduced? A. Yes. Grand Rapids Public ... rate incentive for Electric Water Heater Control will be five dollars ($5.00) per month. Your savings ...

  3. Energy Saving Tips

    Public Utilities | Page

    to be more energy-efficient. As part of our monthly Energy-Saving Tips section, here are some smart, ... replace the furnace filter every month during the heating season. An even slightly dirty filter will block ... the desired temperature and waste energy. • Clean or replace filters at least once a month. • Turn off ...

  4. Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting

    Economic Development Authority | Calendar Event | 03/28/19 04:00pm

    Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting ... Changes in Revenue, Expenditures, and Fund Balance FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31, 2019 FUND BALANCE ... COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH ...

  5. Off Peak Heating & Cooling Program

    Public Utilities | Page

    Utilities electrical distribution system within six months (6) of the date of application, his/her name will ... will receive a monthly billing on KWH usage on their utility bills.  The rate will be an amount ...

  6. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    The Comprehensive Plan is the policy guide the City of Grand Rapids is using to set forth its future land use and development activities. Planning is an ongoing attempt to guide future development or redevelopment in order to solve and avoid problems, mee ...

  7. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/27/15 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2015-07-27.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Attachments: 2016 Budget Calendar.pdf 2016 Budgets for Review.pdf 2. 14-0789 Review 5: 00 PM Regular Meeting ... Session Attachments: 2016 Budget Calendar.pdf 2016 Budgets for Review.pdf Date Ver. Action By Action ...

  8. Bond Rating

    Finance | Page

    base, and above-average debt levels with rapid principal amortization. In 2017, S&P Global Ratings ... assigned its 'AA-' rating to Grand Rapids, Minn.'s series 2017A general obligation (GO) ...

  9. Grand Rapids Area Transit

    Community | Page

    Dial-a-Ride services in Grand Rapids, as well as twice-monthly trips to Duluth. Maps and schedules are ...

  10. Library Volunteers

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    a new library. After months of study, these members recruited many more area people to form ...
