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  1. Chicken Permit

    Administration | Page

    submitted to City Hall  20-09-05 Ordinance amending and updating Article VIII (Chickens) within Chapter 10 ...

  2. D.A.R.E. Program

    Police | Page

    43 countries around the world. D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that ...

  3. Waste Management

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    29 30 31 31 * Observed holidays- Service delayed 1 day throughout remainder of week. Gold- Even 2023 ...

  4. Ways to Support Your Library

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    is open during Library hours and is restocked frequently during the week. Proceeds from sales in the ...

  5. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/11/12 04:00pm

    17.26 25.44 37.63 26.78 Nordic 18.43 21.44 24.46 21.44 WM 17.49 21.15 25.25 21.30 Total Cost Per Month ... 17,553.60 96 Gal 37.63 x 170 6,397.10 44,369.28 Total Nordic 35 Gal 18.43 x 1183 21,802.69 64 Gal 21.44 ... Residential Customers Waste Management 474,920.04 Nordic Waste 489,053.88 Local Boy 532,431.36 ATTACHMENT ...

  6. Stormwater

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    Utility Ordinance #04-08-10  (Ordinance Chapter 24 Section 1.0-1.6). This ordinance was originally ...

  7. Islamic Practices & Muslim Community Guide

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    shower at home. School administrators may discuss with students alternative clothing in phys- ical ... Muslim weekly worship service. A cap sometimes worn by Muslim men. Islam's scripture, sometimes ... during the second week of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar. However, considerable variations exist ...

  8. Itasca Clean Energy Solar Plus Battery Storage Project

    Public Utilities | Page

    more details in the coming weeks.solar_pbs_fact_sheet_20230616_1.pdf Itasca Clean Energy Solar Plus ...

  9. 2023 Adopted Levy and Tax Rate

    Finance | Page

    Levy 2020 Levy 2021 Levy 2022 Levy Payable 2019 Payable 2020 Payable 2021 Payable 2022 Payable 2023 ... 2019 8,329,612 6,937,752 80.847 2.443 83.290 2020 8,475,628 7,073,543 81.094 2.363 83.457 2021 ...

  10. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/27/15 04:00pm

    47,088 43, 545 24, 100 48,650 OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES Professional Services 559 1, 081 500 500 ... 6,230 2, 000 885 2, 000 47,290 41, 122 36, 327 43,071 42,000 23, 896 42, 000 10, 158 8, 458 10,074 6, ... 336 16, 341 7,058 6, 222 3, 097 3, 114 3, 187 3,353 3,822 1, 651 200 32,065 35,004 38, 826 43 ...
