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  1. Victim Crime Rights

    Police | Page

    DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CRIME VICTIM RIGHTS Contact Us 7-12 Offi ce of Justice Programs 445 Minnesota ...

  2. Residential Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    deposit, plus interest, will be applied to the account after the customer has made 12 consecutive on-time ...

  3. Water Quality Reports

    Public Utilities | Page

    Water Quality Report: 2021 Water Quality Report: 2020 Water Quality Report: 2019 Water Quality Report: ... system.water_quality_report_2020 ... .pdf.pdf C O N S U M E R C O N F I D E N C E R E P O R T P U B L I C W A T E R S U P P L Y I D E N T I F I C A T I O N (P W S I D): 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 P A G E 1 Grand Rapids 2020 Drinking Water Report This report contains ...

  4. Rebates

    Public Utilities | Page

    (UEF):_______________________________ If greater than 55 gal, must be greater than 2.2 Space Heating Type (select one): Electric Gas ...

  5. Public Information Requests

    Administration | Page

    Private MS §13.02, subd. 12 Private MS §13.10, subd. 1B Nonpublic MS §13.02, subd. 9 Available only to the ...
