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  1. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/27/15 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2015-07-27.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Attachments: 2016 Budget Calendar.pdf 2016 Budgets for Review.pdf 2. 14-0789 Review 5: 00 PM Regular Meeting ... Session Attachments: 2016 Budget Calendar.pdf 2016 Budgets for Review.pdf Date Ver. Action By Action ...

  2. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/12/14 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2014-05-12.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... 40. s; 1?0 Budgted decrease in fund halance of 560,000. I3uJgeted decrease in fund balance of irEwrt ... under budget by 412, OUu Rn Crvie Center b71, U(1i1 67d,000 27, 000 Z 1. 000 i3SJ; i 01 and City ...

  3. City Council Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 10/24/22 05:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City Council Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... e6e9d701-ce23-4e40-b376-5b030184a14e Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  4. City Council Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 08/08/22 05:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City Council Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... c40b5bfa-1ff9-4ffa-adf5-c580d7f348d6 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  5. Public Utilities Commission

    Public Utilities Commission | Calendar Event | 08/17/22 04:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Public Utilities Commission Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... ee0bb9c2-18f0-45df-ac17-766013c09d40 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  6. City Council Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 10/10/22 06:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event City Council Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... 721a8baf-1c7e-48fc-8a77-5e41f95ebf40 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  7. Pokegama Golf Course Board Meeting

    Pokegama Golf Course Board | Calendar Event | 12/20/22 07:30am

    Contact Info Block Calendar Event Pokegama Golf Course Board Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... 572188c3-e560-4efb-a199-2faa40f59bd1 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  8. Police Community Advisory Board Meeting

    Police Community Advisory Board | Calendar Event | 04/21/22 04:00pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Police Community Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... b3be97ac-461a-40b5-a3e4-e0de0708ef50 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  9. Special Assessments

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    owners shall be assed at a 40% rate for those items that typically exist prior to the improvement. ... Developments 100% • Developed Areas 40% Areas where sidewalks are installed on only one side of the street and ... infrastructure is replaced, rehabilitated or maintained. • Sanitary Sewer/Water Mains Forty percent (40%) of the ...

  10. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    The Comprehensive Plan is the policy guide the City of Grand Rapids is using to set forth its future land use and development activities. Planning is an ongoing attempt to guide future development or redevelopment in order to solve and avoid problems, mee ...
