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  1. Arts & Culture Commission Meeting

    Arts & Culture Commission | Calendar Event | 11/01/22 03:45pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Arts & Culture Commission Meeting Agenda Packet GRAPIDSMN ... aa01bddd-e5f6-4f67-9e17-16fc155a39b1 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet (HTML) ...

  2. 2021-2025 Amended Capital Improvement Plan

    Finance | Page

    CP 2015‐1, City Wide Overlays‐Sylvan 111 CP 2018‐3, 10th St NE (3rd Ave to CDS) 112 CP 2018‐4, 11th St NE (2nd Ave to 3rd Ave) 113 ... 9 Levy Comparisons ‐ 2020 ‐ 2025 10 Grand Rapids/Itasca County Airport Five Year Plan Summary 11 RWY 16/34 Reconstruction 12 ... CP 2021‐2, 5th St SW (10th Ave ‐ 11th Ave) 100 CP 2021‐3, Industrial Park Utility Extention 101 Year Project Starts: 2022 ...

  3. U.S. Passports

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    Hours for passport acceptance Appointments required 218-326-7640 Monday- Thursday 11:00- 4:00 ... Friday 11:00-1:00 What is a Passport Acceptance Facility? A Passport Acceptance Facility is a public ... State. Passport Acceptance Facilities verify the information of applicants using Form DS-11, which ...

  4. Structural Engineers Reports

    Administration | Page

    occurred between 10-24-17 and 11-08-17 with no large snow event and only approximately 3 inches of snow on ... attend a meeting to present this information on 11-8-2017 (and be available for questions). The original ... laws of the State of Minnesota. Jon E. Aamodt, P.E. Date MN Reg. No. 24838 11-06-17 2.46 = stress ratio ...

  5. Water Quality Reports

    Public Utilities | Page

    Lead (08/11/21) 0 ppb 90% of homes less than 15 ppb 2.9 ppb 0 out of 20 NO Corrosion of household ... plumbing. Copper (08/11/21) 0 ppm 90% of homes less than 1.3 ppm 1.33 ppm 3 out of 20 YES Corrosion of ... 2018 Water Quality Report: 2017 Water Quality Report: 2016 Water Quality Report: 2015 Water Quality ...

  6. On-Sale Liquor Complete Packet

    Administration | Page

    license rejected by any municipality or state authority; if so, give date and details. 11. Has the ... This authorization shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of signature. ...

  7. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/11/12 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2012-06-11.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, June 11, 2012- 4:00pm Work Session Agenda ... Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_worksession_2012-06-11_3.pdf CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS Meeting Agenda ...

  8. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    Construction::::: Tools and Techniques for Local Planning 11 CO N SID ERIN G TH E O PPO RTU N ITY which citizens may ... governments. 1997 Community-based planning (Laws of Minnesota 1997, sections 4A.08 –.09). Enumerated broad ... 5 REGION 7E REGION 8 REGION 9 REGION 6E REGION 6W REGION 2 REGION 11 Minnesota Development Regions REGION ...

  9. 2023 Rural Electric Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    Nature RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DEMAND AND ENERGY $ $ $ customer Charge (per month) 11.40 20.55 28.00 ... shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, a Purchased Power Adjustment or PPA ...

  10. 2023 Electric Vehicle Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    After: Customer Energy Charge Charge (per month) 4.15 26.25 existing or standalone charqe existing or All ... (PPA) CLAUSE There shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, a Purchased Power ... Effective 05/01/2021 I\...l--"--...l-i ""l /-i O /"'11"\-i I"\ ...
