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  1. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/13/15 04:00pm

    Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_closed_2015-07-13.pdf 01"./2(13 455 ... citycouncil_agenda_2015-07-13.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... DiscussperformanceevaluationforTomPagel, CityAdministrator, pursuanttoMinn. Stat. 13D.05 subds. 3(a), 13D.01, subd. 3. Sponsors: Indexes: ...

  2. Distributed Energy Resources

    Public Utilities | Page

    Rapids Public Utilities Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection Procedure 5/8/2019 ...  Position ................................................................................................................. 8  4.8.  Site ...

  3. Financial Reports

    Finance | Page

    evidenced by UPM’s investment of over $10M in its manufacturing process equipment in 2019. With the City of ... together with a parts distribution center. In September of 2019, 100% of the ASV shares were purchased by ... 2019 and 2020, 2021 building permit activity was nearer to the 20-year annual average of $25.5M, with ...

  4. Footings, Foundations & Slabs

    Community Development | Page

    exists: 1. Walls are subject to hydrostatic pressure from groundwater. 2. Walls supporting more than 48 ... GM, GC, SM-SC & ML SC, MH, ML-CL & ICL 30 45 60 250 370 490 72 72 48 9’ 0” 8’ 4” GW, GP, SW ... and SP GM, GC, SM-SC & ML SC, MH, ML-CL & ICL 30 45 60 320 480 640 72 48 40 a. Sill plate ...

  5. Animal Control

    Police | Page

    Control Facility which houses stray domestic cats and dogs until their owners can be found. If you are ...

  6. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Transition Plan

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    Z ada_transition_plan_complete_2019.pdf City of Grand Rapids ADA Transition Plan March 2018 Updated: October 2019 City of Grand Rapids ADA ... to PROWAG. MnDOT Technical Memorandum 15-025-TR-01 was issued by MnDOT in 2015 and extends the ... expiration of Technical Memorandum 10-02-TR-01 Adoption of Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidance to ...

  7. Club On-Sale Application Packet

    Administration | Page

    0LQQHVRWD�'HSDUWPHQW�RI�3XEOLF�6DIHW\� ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION� ����0LQQHVRWD�6W���6XLWH�222��6W��3DXO��01 ... ������������ �������01�7507�)$;����������������77 <���������������� ���������������������������������������������������:::�'36�67$7(�01 ...

  8. Chicken Permit

    Administration | Page

    includes a combination of cats, dogs, and chickens.   Please see the application and ordinance for more ...

  9. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/10/12 04:00pm

    Anoka C:cunty yrrA ran was carncc in thc prior year 48,St1(?). Adjustmcnts werc rnade Co thc accountin; ... 2012- 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, 420 North Pokegama Avenue, Grand Rapids, Minnesota. 5:01 CALL OF ... Constitution Week. Attachments: Constitution Week Proclamation 5:07 MEETING PROTOCOL POLICY p.m. Please be ...

  10. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/14/12 04:00pm

    Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_closed_2012-05-14.pdf 01"./2(13 0"%#, ... '"1#2+3()(" 4+5 455 6"/65%78",$''"158 4#%78!A"48!"B> A" <@B ... H I5"F5'7"#%"4#%78!A"48!"B> A" <@B <"8 ">?@@"GJ;J" 95:5%&5".##;" ...
