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  1. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/10/12 04:00pm

    a;ga';;EItCa'mainii.1ril.C i.tXl'tltltic> n af C11C C:ity4 'Coxnbus, Minncscta s c'and faz tlu ye:ar ... Attachments: Report to Communitv on 11 x 17 REV 3. 12-0583 Discuss 2012 and 2013 audit costs. Attachments: 2012 ... Attachments: Report to Communitv on 11 x 17 REV Date Ver. Action By Action Result Tlt@ Review capital campaign ...

  2. 2023 City Multi-Family Water Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    9/12/2018 Effective 2/1/2022 10/1/2018 5/11/2022 9/12/2018 5/11/20224/21/2022 Revised Adopted ... 24 25 90 over 90 4 $5.71 $3.99 $26.83 0 16 17 32 33 120 over 120 5 $5.71 $3.99 $32.54 0 20 21 40 41 ... 270 10 $5.71 $3.99 $61.09 0 40 41 80 81 300 over 300 11 $5.71 $3.99 $66.80 0 44 45 88 89 330 over 330 ...

  3. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 01/13/14 04:00pm

    5 <?4@AB@ 3C37C3 <&D"//&E"!+ 1D+T.04K0) 0-! 1(1 01*23 45*3 56()$*+*(78% 9*:%*+;+ ... citycouncil_agenda_2014-01-13.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_special_2014-01-13.pdf 01"./2(13 455 ...

  4. 2023 Adopted Levy and Tax Rate

    Finance | Page

    $11,129,938 Net amount levied to property owners $7,975,967 TAX TAXABLE NET CITY CEMETERY TOTAL YEAR TAX ... Page Categories 2023 Adopted Levy and Tax Rate Sort A to Z 2023_levy_and_tax_rate.pdf 2018 Levy 2019 ... 2.438 79.232 2017 8,171,794 6,717,854 79.890 2.318 82.208 2018 8,142,204 6,716,767 80.054 2.439 82.493 ...

  5. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    progress and changing the plan in future years as needed WINONA COUNTY’S “UPDATE 2000” Winona County ... a 10-year period found that where contamination standards for drinking water were exceeded, water suppliers ... Construction::::: Tools and Techniques for Local Planning 11 CO N SID ERIN G TH E O PPO RTU N ITY which citizens may ...

  6. Basic Wood Framing

    Community Development | Page

    3-2X10 6-2 (2) 5-9 (2) 5-4 (2) 5-1 (2) 3-2X12 7-2 (2) 6-9 (2) 6-3 (2) 5-11 (3) 4-2X8 6-1 (1) 5-8 (2) 5-3 ... 5-7 2 4-11 2 4-5 3 3-2×10 6-10 2 6-0 2 5-4 2 3-2×12 7-11 2 6-11 2 6-3 2 4-2×8 6-6 1 5-8 2 5-1 2 4-2×10 ... 1 1-8 1 1-5 2 2-2×6 2-11 2 2-7 2 2-3 2 2-2×8 3-9 2 3-3 2 2-11 3 2-2×10 4-7 3 4-0 3 3-6 3 2-2×12 5-4 ...

  7. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/12/14 04:00pm

    RAPIDS iRAND 1: 11' II S Legislation Details (With Text) File#: 14- 0491 Version: 1 Name: Fund ... d budget h}' 550,000 for solar sunflo• crs and ener dashboard Central School 81, OpU 135AOQ 54. 00i) ... under budget by 412, OUu Rn Crvie Center b71, U(1i1 67d,000 27, 000 Z 1. 000 i3SJ; i 01 and City ...

  8. Administration

    Public Utilities | Page

    over a five to seven-year period. Budget-to-actual comparisons are made on a quarterly basis, with ... a five-year financial plan and financial performance indicators. In 1997, the GRPUC entered into ... expires 03/01/2027 Commissioner Rick Smith Term expires 03/01/2025 Commission President Tom Stanley Term ...

  9. Decks

    Community Development | Page

    Redwood, Ponderosa Pine 2-2X6 5’5” 4’8” 4’2” 3’10” 3’6” 3’1” 2’9” 2-2X8 6’10” 5’115’4” 4’10” 4’6” 4’1” ... 7’10” 7’4” 6’11” 3-2X12 13’11” 12’1” 10’9” 9’10” 9’1” 8’6” 8’1” MAXIMUM DECK BOARD SPANS 5/4 AND 2X4 ... 2- 12d nails are recommended on nominal 2-inch decking. 10d nails are recommended for 5/4 ...

  10. 2023 Rural Electric Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    Nature RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DEMAND AND ENERGY $ $ $ customer Charge (per month) 11.40 20.55 28.00 ... All kWh/mo@ $0.1111/kWh All kWh/mo @ $0.0557/kWh Demand: All kW@ $17.64/kW 12/14/2022 01/01 ... Effective 01/01/2023 Last Revised: Adopted 12/15/2021 Effective 04/01/2022 Adopted 12/18/2019 Effective ...
