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  1. 2023 City Multi-Family Water Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    270 10 $5.71 $3.99 $61.09 0 40 41 80 81 300 over 300 11 $5.71 $3.99 $66.80 0 44 45 88 89 330 over 330 ... 510 18 $5.71 $3.99 $106.77 0 72 73 144 145 540 over 540 19 $5.71 $3.99 $112.48 0 76 77 152 153 570 ... over 570 20 $5.71 $3.99 $118.19 0 80 81 160 161 600 over 600 21 $5.71 $3.99 $123.90 0 84 85 168 169 630 ...

  2. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 01/13/14 04:00pm


  3. Waste Management Service Calendar 2021

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    GARBAGE & RECYCLING SCHEDULE Every Other Week (EOW) pickup for recycling: E weeks & O weeks are ... by one day. Memorial Day- Monday, May 31, 2021 Service will be delayed one day all week. Independence ... delayed one day all week. Thanksgiving Day- Thursday, November 25, 2021 Thursday and Friday service will ...

  4. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/24/12 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2012-09-24.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_worksession_2012-09-24.pdf CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS Meeting Agenda ... removalcitycouncil_agenda_2012-09-24.pdf CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS cFAN`,,> s Meeting Agenda Full Detail 11 IY.n11 Vk1(> IA!.\I t CI/ ...

  5. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/14/12 04:00pm

    City infrastructure projects in June and prioritize for the 2013-2017 C[P. Attachments: All Projects ... General Fund Golf Course Road Improvements 2013/2011-5 2 214,500 214,500 Wednesday, Moy 09, 20l2 Sou ... 10th Ave NE (5th St- 7th St) 20142011-1 2 98,100 98,100 7th St and 11th Avenue NE 2014l2011-3 2 19 ...

  6. Financial Reports

    Finance | Page

    Combining Balance Sheet- Nonmajor Governmental Funds Statement 19 118 Combining Statement of Revenues, ... Function/Program Table 19 187 IV. OTHER INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) Combined Schedule of Indebtedness Exhibit 1 190 ... significant interest. As an example, the 48-unit apartment was fully leased 8 weeks prior to opening. ...

  7. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/25/12 04:00pm

    Attachments: PDA Final 6 19 12 4. 12-0410 Discuss GRAHA request to use Sports Complex until midnight for event. ... Code sections: Attachments: PDA Final 6 19 12 Date Ver. Action By Action Result Title Honeywell Updated ... Meetinq 5:09 CONSENT AGENDA p.m. Any item on the consent agenda shall be removed for consideration by ...

  8. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/13/15 04:00pm

    & 30, 2015 Arts & Culture: May 5, 2015 May 19, 2015 Golf Board Acknowledge Boards and ... auditing services for 2015, 2016 and 2017. A motion was made by Councilor Zeige, seconded by Councilor ... Councilor Dale Christy Councilor Ed Zabinski Mayor Dale Adams Councilor Bill Zeige Councilor Rick Blake 19 ...

  9. Stay Connected


    Week Arts & Culture Commission City Council Economic Development Authority Grand Rapids Area ...

  10. Economic Development Authority Meeting

    Economic Development Authority | Calendar Event | 09/23/21 04:00pm

    GRAPIDSMN 387951de-aca8-4ceb-a09f-6ea1dd345e38 Sort A to Z Agenda (HTML) Agenda Packet ...
