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  1. Lodging Tax

    Finance | Page

    in their forms and payments on or before the 25th of the month following collection. Participants can ... complete the appropriate form below to report their gross receipts and taxes due and mail in with their ... payment. Mandatory Lodging Tax Form Voluntary Lodging Tax Form Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block ...

  2. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/25/12 04:00pm

    Department 10,000 Library 26 000 IRA Civic Center 49,200 Blandin Beach Park 2,025 Grand Rapids Sports Complex ... the City of Grand Rapids has adopted and implemented 10 performance measures developed by the Council ... on Local Results and Innovation. Attachments: 2011 Survey Resuits.odf 10 Performance Measures ...

  3. Complete Application Packet: Off-sale

    Administration | Page

    Please fill in the following information and return this form along with your application to the agency ... issuing the license. Do not return this form to the department of revenue. Please print or ... this form ...

  4. 2022 Cost of Service Studies

    Public Utilities | Page

    $3,358,155 As a percent of revenue 21.6% 24.5% 25.1% 23.0% 19.9% 16.3% Exhibit 2-A 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ... 10,394,294 10,510,369 10,628,022 10,747,276 10,868,611 Rural residential 1,023,159 1,136,791 1,125,900 ... OPERATING EXPENSES Purchased Power 10,991,941$ 11,169,489$ 11,336,920$ 11,069,792$ 13,611,143$ 11,807,430$ ...

  5. Complete 3.2 Beer Application

    Administration | Page

    fill in the following information and return this form along with your application to the agency ... issuing the license. Do not return this form to the department of revenue. Please print or ... this form ...

  6. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/10/12 04:00pm

    x lC O.FaLltk()'ktflvE: u1dRY1CC O[' COIJISGX1Stl;t. FII 41?[11PLCliltl!'tiStlGt10 ... GClisultatipn I1V03VC:SAplklCL10! Ort7 'ciGG011tltn; Cit1Gi7IE7 (1 lll,'UV4Ci1Ttt`ItLti UCtll'S ... Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, September 10, 2012- 4:00pm Work Session Agenda ...

  7. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    significant benefits. The top 10 are described here and listed in the box. 1. Provides legal justification for ... values 10 Provides an opportunity to consider future impacts of today’s decisions Under Construction::::: ... Range communities. Virginia, Minnesota Ca ro le Z el lie CO N SI D ER IN G T H E O PP O RT U N IT Y 10 ...

  8. Islamic Practices & Muslim Community Guide

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    shower at home. School administrators may discuss with students alternative clothing in phys- ical ... of students interested in per- forming the prayer is large, the function can be conducted by students ... Free (limited)___ $ 10.00___ $ 10.00___ $ 10.00___ $ 10.00___ $ 7.00___ $ 3.00___ 1 Free___ Free ...

  9. On-Sale Liquor Complete Packet

    Administration | Page

    establishment located near a school, state college, university?______________________ 10. State whether ... “Criteria Form”, explaining why the license applied for would be in furtherance of the public health, safety ... and welfare of the Grand Rapids community (Attached with this form). h) State of Minnesota on-sale ...

  10. Basic Wood Framing

    Community Development | Page

    1-9 (1) 2-2X6 3-2 (2) 3-0 (2) 2-9 (2) 2-7 (2) 2-2X8 4-1 (2) 3-10 (2) 3-6 (2) 3-4 (2) 2-2X10 4-11 (2) ... NJ Span NJ Roof and ceiling 2-2×4 2-10 1 2-6 1 2-3 1 2-2×6 4-2 1 3-8 2 3-3 2 2-2×8 5-4 2 4-7 2 4-1 ... 3 4-7 3 4-1 4 3-2×8 4-8 2 4-1 2 3-8 2 3-2×10 5-9 2 4-11 2 4-5 3 3-2×12 6-8 2 5-9 2 5-2 3 4-2×8 5-5 2 4-8 ...
