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  1. 2022 Cost of Service Studies

    Public Utilities | Page

    $3,358,155 As a percent of revenue 21.6% 24.5% 25.1% 23.0% 19.9% 16.3% Exhibit 2-A 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ... Operating Expenses (15,133,717) (16,471,822) (17,535,707) (18,642,543) (19,600,947) (20,298,209) Less ... million or 16.3 percent of operating revenues. Projected Operating Results – Existing Rates- 7- Table 2-4 ...

  2. Water Treatment & Distribution

    Public Utilities | Page

    treating 3.24 million gallons of water per day. Water treatment consists of aeration, gravity filtration, ... and zeolite softening. Treated water is stored in a 0.5 million gallon underground water reservoir and ...

  3. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/25/12 04:00pm

    DEPARTMENT p.m. 16. 12-0404 Authorization to begin the process of filling the Building Official vacancy. 5:30 ... return to City Council Worksession on June 25, 2012 for further discussions. COUNCIL REPORTS 5:05 ... 1-6, Horseshoe Lake Road Improvements. Adopted Resolution 12-55 by consent roll call 9- Approve ...

  4. Financial Reports

    Finance | Page

    15 107 Schedule of Pension Contributions- Public Employees Police and Fire Fund Statement 16 108 ... 183 Principal Employers Table 16 184 Full-time Equivalent City Government Employees by ... Council and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City. Council members serve four-year staggered ...

  5. Rebates

    Public Utilities | Page

    14.9 SEER  $50 unit   Form #1 Central AC 15.0- 15.9 SEER $100  unit   Form #1 Central AC 16.0 SEER and ... higher $150  unit   Form #1 Mini Split Ductless Air Conditioner 16 SEER or higher $150   unit   Form #1 ... / unit 16.0 SEER and higher $150 / unit MINI SPLIT DUCTLESS AIR CONDITIONER (units 16 SEER or higher will ...

  6. 2023 City Multi-Family Water Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    Z 2023_city_multi-family_water_rate_schedule_adopted_12.14.22.pdf from to from to from to 2 $5.71 $3.99 $15.41 0 8 9 16 17 60 over 60 3 $5.71 $3.99 $21.12 0 12 13 ... 24 25 90 over 90 4 $5.71 $3.99 $26.83 0 16 17 32 33 120 over 120 5 $5.71 $3.99 $32.54 0 20 21 40 41 ... 16 $5.71 $3.99 $95.35 0 64 65 128 129 480 over 480 17 $5.71 $3.99 $101.06 0 68 69 136 137 510 over ...

  7. Footings, Foundations & Slabs

    Community Development | Page

    garage floor slabs 3,500c,d a. At 28 days psi. b. Concrete in these locations that may be subject to ... over light frame or 8-inch hollow concrete masonry 1-story 12 12 12 2-story 21 16 12 3-story 32 24 16 ... shall be 2X6 minimum. Anchor bolt shall be minimum 0.5” diameter cast in place with 7” embed. Anchor ...

  8. Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting

    Economic Development Authority | Calendar Event | 03/28/19 04:00pm

    County has a shrinking labor force in 2009 the number ofjob seekers per job was 11 in 2018 the number ... 31, 2019 With Comparative Totals for the Period Ending March 31, 2098 2018 YTD • ' 2019 ACTUAL ... 52 RremisseFy Nete Refinanced/Extended ShelerrRlake GK 23, 000. 00 1jut 06 127:57 4 dun 13 16 ...

  9. Police Community Advisory Board Regular Meeting

    Police Community Advisory Board | Page | 10/16/18 07:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018- 7:00am Agenda Image Slideshow Display ...

  10. Pokegama Golf Course Board Regular Meeting

    Pokegama Golf Course Board | Page | 10/16/18 07:30am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, October 16, 2018- 7:30am Agenda Image Slideshow Display ...
