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  1. 3.3- Business Services- Finance

    Public Utilities | Page

    Adopted 2022-05-11 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Menu Settings 3.3- Business ...

  2. Answering Reference Questions

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    resources to serve you. The Reference Staff fields approximately 11,500 reference questions each year and is ...

  3. Budget Billing Program

    Public Utilities | Page

    to remain on the program there is no need to complete this form. If you have any questions about ...

  4. Water Quality Reports

    Public Utilities | Page

    Lead (11/14/18) 0 ppb 90% of homes less than 15 ppb 4.4 ppb 0 out of 20 NO Corrosion of household ... plumbing. Copper (11/14/18) 0 ppm 90% of homes less than 1.3 ppm 1.04 ppm 1 out of 20 NO Corrosion of ... Water Quality Report: 2021 Water Quality Report: 2020 Water Quality Report: 2019 Water Quality Report: ...

  5. Wastewater Collection & Treatment

    Public Utilities | Page

    gravity and force mains. The system includes 14 sewage lift stations located throughout the City. The ...

  6. Stairs & Guardrails

    Community Development | Page

    sphere. Guards on stairs must not permit passage of a 4 3/8-inch sphere. The triangular space formed by ...

  7. Constructing Safe Guardrails

    Community Development | Page

    Minnesota Building Code in the form of an ICC Evaluation Report or a plan prepared by an architect licensed ...

  8. Electric Distribution

    Public Utilities | Page

    September 1, 2015. In addition, beginning in 2019, the generation capacity charge for each year is based on ...

  9. MPCA MS4 Permit Public Notice Copy

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    alternative formats wq-strm4-49a • 9/ /20 Page 11 of 32 (Note: All or some of this ... • Available in alternative formats wq-strm4-49a • 9/ /20 Page 14 of 32 ...

  10. Site Plans

    Community Development | Page

    Draw the site plan to the most appropriate scale, for example, 1" = 10’, 1" = 20’, 1/4 ...
