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  1. Club On-Sale Application Packet

    Administration | Page

    � � � /LFHQVH�3HULRG� � � � ���%XVLQHVV�3KRQH� � � � � � � � �)520� � 72� � � �� �� � 0XQLFLSDOLW\� ����� &RXQW\� �6 ...

  2. 2023 Rural Electric Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    Nature RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DEMAND AND ENERGY $ $ $ customer Charge (per month) 11.40 20.55 28.00 ... shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, a Purchased Power Adjustment or PPA ...

  3. 2023 City Electric Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    LIGHTING INDUSTRIAL $ $ $ $ $ Customer Charge (per month) 10.40 19.55 28.00 12.75 12.50 Adopted: ... PURCHASED POWER ADJUSTMENT (PPA) CLAUSE There shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, ...

  4. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/12/14 04:00pm

    citycouncil_agenda_2014-05-12.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... 589) 42, 462 2012 67) 41. 89j 2013 16, I S) 25, 3g0 We rec mmend the City monit r the (inancial ... expenditures 54, 08(2a,462 29,624 Major equipment rep(acemeru 61. 813 61, 513 Totalcommitted 517, 0 5 425, 615 ...

  5. Community Development Fee Schedule

    Community Development | Page

    thereof, to and including $2,000.00 $2,001.00- $25,000.00 $70.00 * for the first $2,000.00 plus $14.20* for ... each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 (3-27-06) $25,001.00 to ... $50,000.00 $391.65* for the first $25,000.00 plus $10.20* for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, ...

  6. Commercial Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    a deposit equal to twice the average monthly GRPUC service billing (or estimate, if not known). The deposit ... letter of credit is provided for a 12-month time period. METER READING & BILLING: GRPUC bills utility ... services based on meter readings at GRPUC approved rates. Account bills are mailed monthly. Paperless ...

  7. Billing Information

    Public Utilities | Page

    The GRPUC meter readers read electric and water meters once a month, and statements are mailed out ...

  8. Notching & Boring

    Community Development | Page

    Minimum Not same section as cut or notch 25% of Width of Stud Interior Nonbearing Studs 60% of Stud Width ... FLOOR JOISTS 25% allowed in exterior and bearing walls 40% allowed in any non-bearing wall 40% allowed ... in any wall 60% allowed in any non-bearing walls 40% 60% 5/8” min.25% max. 40% max. EXTERIOR OR ...

  9. Civic Center Advisory Board

    Civic Center & Parks Advisory Board | Page

    Photos Quarterly 5 36 months Sort A to Z ...

  10. Police Community Advisory Board

    Police Community Advisory Board | Page

    Duties, Authority and Membership Bi-Monthly 5- Resident | 4- Non-Resident 3 years Sort A to Z ...
