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  1. On-Sale Liquor Complete Packet

    Administration | Page

    This authorization shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of signature. ... 28: 83: 84: 85: 86: 87: 88: 89: 90: 91: 92: 93: 94: 95: 96: 97: 98: 99: 100: 101: 102: 103: 105: 107: ...

  2. Arts & Culture Commission

    Arts & Culture Commission | Page

    Mississippi Riverfront Venue Feasibility Study 1st Tuesday of each month 9 36 months Sort A to Z ...

  3. Kill A Watt Meter

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    cumulative kilowatt-hours of energy usage, and displays volts, amps, and watts at a 0.2% accuracy rating. ...

  4. 2023 Ancillary Services and Fees

    Public Utilities | Page

    reconnect – meter reinstalled $60.00 Seasonal disconnects – meter remains No Charge Monthly service charges ... reconnect per year) No Charge Monthly service charge continues Emergencies No Charge Plumbing Repairs with ... construction (Garden hose hookup 1” meter only – six months) Water line thawing and frozen meter Curb stop to ...

  5. 2023 City Electric Interim Annexation Areas Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    RATE SCHEDULE Customer Charge (per month) RESIDENTIAL $ 10.40 COMMERCIAL $ 19.55 Adopted: ... (PPA) CLAUSE There shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, a Purchased Power ...

  6. 2023 Electric Vehicle Service Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    After: Customer Energy Charge Charge (per month) 4.15 26.25 existing or standalone charqe existing or All ... (PPA) CLAUSE There shall be added to from the monthly electric service billing, a Purchased Power ...

  7. Commercial Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    a deposit equal to twice the average monthly GRPUC service billing (or estimate, if not known). The deposit ... letter of credit is provided for a 12-month time period. METER READING & BILLING: GRPUC bills utility ... services based on meter readings at GRPUC approved rates. Account bills are mailed monthly. Paperless ...

  8. Billing Information

    Public Utilities | Page

    The GRPUC meter readers read electric and water meters once a month, and statements are mailed out ...

  9. Structural Engineers Reports

    Administration | Page

    (9/28/2007). No structural analysis was completed for this study. c) Structural Engineering Memorandum ... ridge. [Engineers Note: Measured, snow density measurements generally vary from 15 pcf to nearly 28 pcf ... opinion. 4. In our professional opinion the West facility should not be used in the winter months unless ...

  10. Itasca Clean Energy Solar Plus Battery Storage Project

    Public Utilities | Page

    • How much energy does a typical household use? 886 kWh per month. • How much energy does the solar ... array produce? To date, it has ranged from 63 MWh to 553 MWh per month. • Can the battery be charged off ...
