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  1. Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 09/01/22 04:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Thursday, September 1, 2022- 4:00pm Agenda Minutes Video Image ...

  2. 3.3- Business Services- Finance

    Public Utilities | Page

    Adopted 2022-05-11 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Menu Settings 3.3- Business ...

  3. Stay Connected


    Week Arts & Culture Commission City Council Economic Development Authority Grand Rapids Area ...

  4. Gopher State One Call

    Public Utilities | Page

    feet on eighter side of a marked facility. * An excavator may not use a locate more than 14 calendar ...

  5. Dedicate a Bench

    Engineering / Public Works | News/Press Release | Feb 24, 2022

    contact you for a decision. Application to Dedicate a Bench Thursday, February 24, 2022 Image Slideshow ...

  6. 2023 Ancillary Services and Fees

    Public Utilities | Page

    Additional cards/replacement cards $25.00 Volume charge per 1,000 gallons $27.00 Sanitary Sewer- plugged ...

  7. Residential Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    provided to law enforcement personnel if requested by them. In accordance with MN Statutes Sections 13.03 ...

  8. Commercial Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    provided to law enforcement personnel if requested by them. In accordance with MN Statutes Sections 13.03 ...

  9. Theatre Permit Application

    Administration | Page

    COUNTY OF ITASCA) TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS The undersigned hereby applies for ... a license to carry on the business of theatre at______________________________ in the City of Grand Rapids, ... subject to the Laws of Minnesota and the Ordinances of said City, and herewith tenders $75.00 per each ...

  10. The Value of Trees

    Public Utilities | Page

    "A mature tree can often have an appraised value of between $1,000 and $10,000." —Council of ... "There are about 60-to 200- million spaces along our city streets where trees could be planted. This ... average value of $525 per tree."—Management Information Services To help locate New York City ...
