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  1. Commercial Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    Rapids Public Utilities- Commercial Application- updated 5-11-2023 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info ... Signature Title Email Address Signature Title Email Address Updated 5/11/2023 I accept the terms and ...

  2. Police Reserves

    Police | Page

    also provide traffic control for the Timber Man Triathlon and several  5K and 10K runs a year. They ...

  3. 5.1- Water- General

    Public Utilities | Page

    Jurisdictional Boundaries) 5.1.003- Frozen Water Service Line Policy- Adopted 2022-11-09 Image Slideshow Display ...

  4. What Are Human Rights?

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    every human being. The Declaration was unanimously adopted December 10, 1948 by the United Nations ...

  5. Internet Policies

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    standards. 20.2.1  Parents must work with their children and individuals must take responsibility for ...

  6. Residential Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    Rapids Public Utilities- Residential Application- updated 5-11-2023 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info ...

  7. City Goals and Policy Resolution

    City Council | Page

    To maintain and enhance financial stability: That the City will develop and maintain operating ... policies that will secure financial stability for all city funds. To maintain and improve the City ... 's infrastructure: The City will establish criteria and adopt and maintain an infrastructure plan as a part of the ...

  8. Finance

    Finance | Page

    The Finance Department completes annual and long range financial plans for the City. Other vital ... support services for the City include: Accounts payable Accounts receivable Administering bond ... indebtedness All financial transactions for the City Assessment payoff administration Investment of City funds ...

  9. Burning Permits

    Fire | Page

    permits within the city limits of Grand Rapids, you must contact Fire Department personnel. Please call ... 88.22, the open burning of dried leaves is hereby prohibited. The city has determined that the burning of ... contrary to the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the community. The city has available a practical ...

  10. Bond Rating

    Finance | Page

    The City receives its bond rating from Moody's Investor Services. In September of 2004, the ... City's rating was upgraded from A3 to A2. In October 2010, the rating was upgraded to A1. The A1 rating ... reflects the City's consistent maintenance of ample operating reserves, modestly-sized but growing tax ...
