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  1. Grand Rapids Area Cable Commission

    Grand Rapids Area Cable Commission | Page

    The Greater Grand Rapids Area Cable Commission meets quarterly at 12:00 PM  in the ICTV Studio, ... 819 NE 4th Street.  All meetings are open to the public. Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block ... Web Page Boards, Commissions, Committees Contact Information Menu Settings Body: Standard Individual ...

  2. Human Rights Commission

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    community and are invited to attend the meetings of the Grand Rapids Human Rights Commission. If you would ... The mission of the Commission is to promote a community of harmony and respect for the rights and ... like to contact the Human Rights Commission, please call 218-326-7646. Image/Text- align image left ...

  3. Grand Rapids Area Transit

    Community | Page

    The city of Grand Rapids Launches Update of Comprehensive Plan Public transit is available in the ...

  4. Library Volunteers

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    than 350 volunteers-- along with city and library staff-- in planning, fundraising, and completing the ...

  5. Contractors Corner

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    construction site, Procedures for reviewing construction site plans, Procedures to receive and consider ...

  6. Employment

    Administration | Page

    regard to public assistance, local human rights commission activity or any other basis protected by law. ... your qualifications. You may attach any other information that provides additional detail about your ...

  7. Sex Offenders

    Police | Page

    an offender's release, the community can develop constructive plans to prepare themselves." ... officials hold public meetings in the areas where Level Three offenders reside. At those meetings ... have held a notification meeting on an offender, those officials determine what information they want ...

  8. Water Heater Control

    Public Utilities | Page

    Commission reduces wholesale power costs through the use of an Electric Load Management System. Load ... required to purchase additional power to meet our customer's load demand. Additional information about ... the Load Management Program may be obtained by contacting the Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission ...

  9. Ways to Support Your Library

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    Foundation) Planned Gifts Willed donations, bequests or endowments, or other gifts of this nature will flow ...

  10. Service Line Warranties of America

    Public Utilities | Page

    plans and delivering superior customer service to consumers directly and through over 400 leading ...
