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  1. Islamic Practices & Muslim Community Guide

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    shower at home. School administrators may discuss with students alternative clothing in phys- ical ... swimming skills have offered outside certification as an option. Muslim Holidays There are several days in ... Muslims are the two Eid (holi- day) days. The first Eid day is celebrated on the day after the month of ...

  2. Security Lights

    Public Utilities | Page

    files. Both are also available at Grand Rapids Public Utilities office. 2021 Security Light Customer ... Agreement 2021 Security Light Service and Agreement Policy Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web ... Page Maps Menu Settings Security Lights Sort A to Z e.4_security_light_customer_agreement_2021 ...

  3. Boards and Commissions Application

    Boards and Commissions | Webform

    Information: Name: Date: Address: Day Phone: Employer: Evening Phone: Occupation: E-Mail Please rank in order ... only._______________________________________________________________ Date Signature Date: Day Phone: Evening Phone: EMail: If yes please explain: If appointed I: Home ... 2: 3: Text7: Text8: Check Box9: Check Box10: Text11: Check Box12: Check Box13: Check Box14: 0: 1: ...

  4. Energy Saving Tips

    Public Utilities | Page

    longer than the standard incandescent bulb! Television Energy Consumption (4 hrs/day) 14- 16” = 11 kWh ... a few days (don’t forget the waterbed, it’s a real energy hog).lighting_energy_saving_tips.pdf Lighting ... a bedroom door and heat register during the day, or close off an unused room entirely, and save about $50 ...

  5. Club On-Sale Application Packet

    Administration | Page

    0LQQHVRWD�'HSDUWPHQW�RI�3XEOLF�6DIHW\� ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION� ����0LQQHVRWD�6W���6XLWH�222��6W��3DXO��01 ... ������������ �������01�7507�)$;����������������77 <���������������� ���������������������������������������������������:::�'36�67$7(�01 ...

  6. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    14 percent between 2000 and 2025. In many communities, the increases will be far greater. How ... planning is easier to appreciate when comparing it to the role planning plays in every day life. Planning ... Comprehensive planning offers citizens a way to articulate common goals and ensure that day-to-day land use ...

  7. Administration

    Public Utilities | Page

    expires 03/01/2027 Commissioner Rick Smith Term expires 03/01/2025 Commission President Tom Stanley Term ... expires 03/01/2024 Commissioner Nancy Saxhaug Term expires 03/01/2026 Commissioner / City Council Liason ...

  8. Rental Housing Code

    Community Development | Page

    application is received within 60 days, starting October 15, 2021. Other applicable fees as listed in the fee ... owner shall be required to register units within ten (10) days after acquiring them. Fee Schedule The ...

  9. Rental Housing Code

    Community Development | Page

    application is received within 60 days, starting October 15, 2021. Other applicable fees as listed in the fee ... owner shall be required to register units within ten (10) days after acquiring them. Fee Schedule The ...

  10. Basement Finishing

    Community Development | Page

    about 5 working days before your permit will be ready so please submit your plans and permit application ... Economical Drive Media Room 14’ X 24’ Hobby Room 14’ X 18’ Bedroom 14’ X 14’ Laundry and Utility to remain ...
