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  1. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 01/13/14 04:00pm

    1$.$02$%&345&6437&+ 8' 9'%:&;5& EASHEGB 643 <&" &+,$&+ 0 9 +& 3> ... 0715447GOLDENRULECREATIONINC324.43 1200500L&MSUPPLY91.89 1205810LEXIPOLLLC2,650.00 1301025MAKIBODY&GLASS229.57 ... 1415377NORTHERNBUSINESSPRODUCTSINC168.21 TOTALRECREATION2,706.60 CENTRALSCHOOL 0113233AMERIPRIDELINEN&APPAREL188.02 ...

  2. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/10/12 04:00pm

    Studio Lloyd Adams It is recommended tha[the YMCA and ElderCirde find a medical partner Create Adult Day ... for the City within 120 days of the year end and then a final report after the PUC audit is done. That ... f 2005A ('G59(i,57fi), nci tc UoRcls c> f 2007L3 ($I,G22,(i2}. Delays in the callcCionc(. ...

  3. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/14/12 04:00pm

    E57"455 6"#9" F5" 8%7".8G 7E" ... City infrastructure projects in June and prioritize for the 2013-2017 C[P. Attachments: All Projects ... Payable 2013 Payable 2014 Payable 2015 Payable 2016 Payable 2017 Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount ...

  4. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 06/25/12 04:00pm

    Temporary Liquor License for Tall Timber Days on July 6, 2012 for First Friday event held at the Old Central ... 12-57 by consent roll call 15. Appointment of Michael Liebel to the position of 2nd Assistant Fire Chief ... egistarT"' AIRPORT LAND LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 20_, by and between ...

  5. 2023 City Water Rates

    Public Utilities | Page

    Adopted 12/15/2021 Effective 02/01/2022 Adopted 12/19/2018 Effective 01/01/2019 $4.36 $6.89 ...

  6. 2022 Cost of Service Studies

    Public Utilities | Page

    $3,358,155 As a percent of revenue 21.6% 24.5% 25.1% 23.0% 19.9% 16.3% Exhibit 2-A 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ... Security lighting 57,566 55,300 56,412 60,075 61,567 61,371 60,994 60,994 60,994 60,994 60,994 Total Retail ... 6,944 7,153 7,367 7,588 7,816 Overhead and underground lines 122,256 57,556 147,490 91,108 366,055 9,000 ...

  7. Public Utilities Financial Reports

    Public Utilities | Page

    Schedule of Changes in Utility Plant 57 Schedule of Changes in Accumulated Depreciation 58 Schedule of ... treatment facility capable of treating 3.24 million gallons of water per day. Water treatment consists of ... effluent per day; 4.0 million gallons from UPM/Blandin Paper Company and 1.5 million gallons from domestic ...

  8. Kill A Watt Meter

    Grand Rapids Area Library | Page

    cumulative kilowatt-hours of energy usage, and displays volts, amps, and watts at a 0.2% accuracy rating. ...

  9. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/24/12 04:00pm

    FOR PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of 2012, by the City of ... to the Arbo Town Board by the 15' of every month. Payment shall be due within thirty (30) days ... thirty (30) days shall result in a 5% late penalty for that payment. 3. Desinated Representative: The ...

  10. Gopher State One Call

    Public Utilities | Page

    Categories Gopher State One Call Sort A to Z 23a3e4ce-e009-45ee-b451-3369e8a57b58.pdf PROPOSED EXCAVATION ... days from the excavation commencement 800-252-1166 Toll Free * If during the course of excavation ...
