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  1. Human Rights Websites

    Human Rights Commission | Page

    Rights Websites Sort A to Z human_rights_websites_2017.pdf Human Rights Websites Minnesota Department of ...

  2. Water Heater Control

    Public Utilities | Page

    the water heater control program require that you have a forty (40) gallon minimum capacity water ...

  3. The Value of Trees

    Public Utilities | Page

    planting through local newspaper articles appeared on Arbor Day to wrap trunks, water, mulch, and stake 40 ...

  4. Asphalt Art Guide

    Arts & Culture Commission | Page

    Seaside Prize in 2017. For more information on our work, visit or follow us on Twitter ... Life, was installed in March 2017 by over 100 volunteers in two days. In 2019, the same partners came ... designed in 2016 by Camille Walala and in 2017 by Thierry Noir. The bankside neighborhood, home to many ...

  5. A look inside the Grand Rapids Fire Department

    Fire | News/Press Release | Dec 15, 2021

    That entire department response is decreased from 176 responses in 2017. 2018 brought changes in ...

  6. A look inside the Police Department

    Police | News/Press Release | Jan 7, 2022

    a calling. The department answered over 10,000 calls in 2017 and prided itself in providing professional, ...

  7. Capital Improvements: Street Reconstruction Plan

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    2017-2021 to identify potential street reconstruction projects and their funding sources. The Plan is ... included for the years 2017-2021 are proposed projects and will be evaluated during budget cycles. In light ...

  8. Residential Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    and 13.04, I acknowledge by signing this application form that I have been informed of and understand ...

  9. Commercial Utility Service Application

    Public Utilities | Page

    and 13.04, I acknowledge by signing this application form that I have been informed of and understand ...

  10. Basic Wood Framing

    Community Development | Page

    1 1-8 1 1-5 2 2-2×6 2-11 2 2-7 2 2-3 2 2-2×8 3-9 2 3-3 2 2-11 3 2-2×10 4-7 3 4-0 3 3-6 3 2-2×12 5-4 ...
