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  1. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 05/14/12 04:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, May 14, 2012- 4:00pm Agenda Work Session Agenda ... citycouncil_agenda_2012-05-14.pdf Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings City Council ... Regular Meeting Sort A to Z citycouncil_closed_2012-05-14.pdf 01"./2(13 0"%#, ...

  2. Economic Development Authority Regular Meeting

    Economic Development Authority | Calendar Event | 04/26/18 04:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Thursday, April 26, 2018- 4:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display ... Sort A to Z greda_20180426.pdf GRAND RAPIDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, April 26, 2018 4: ... Avenue, in Grand Rapids, Minnesota on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 4: 00pm. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Call ...

  3. Decks

    Community Development | Page

    9 27 13 47 17 72 21 16 10 32 14 53 18 79 22 19 11 36 15 59 19 86 23 JOIST SPANS (Wet Service) (Source ... Area of Deck Supported in Sq Ft Footing Diameter Required in Inches 14 8 43 14 87 20 18 9 49 15 96 21 ... SPAN (ft) 6’ and less 6’1” to 8’ 8’1” to10’ 10’1” to 12’ 12’1” to 1414’1” to 16’ 16’1” to 18’ ...

  4. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 07/13/15 04:00pm

    3(a), 13D.01, subd. 3. CITYOFGRANDRAPIDSPage1of1Printedon5/14 ... Christianson 2. 15-1458 Discuss noise relative to racing at the Itasca County Fairgrounds 3. 14-0789 Review 5: ... Rapids Final Issued AML 12. 31. 14.pdf Grand Rapids Final Issued CAFR 12.31. 14.pdf Grand Rapids Final ...

  5. GROW Grand Rapids 2040 Comprehensive Plan

    Community Development | Page

    14 percent between 2000 and 2025. In many communities, the increases will be far greater. How ... form of capital, even though people often do not think of them this way. Taking care of this “natural ... Houghton. Below are some of the key laws that form the foundation for comprehensive planning and growth ...

  6. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/24/12 04:00pm

    Grand Rapids to cover the use and cost of that equiprnent. 1.4 Grand Rapids will maintain responsibility ... this Agreement, Arbo shall pay to Grand Rapids an hourly fee of $29.14. This fee is computed by taking ... divided by 2080 hours for a fulltime employee ($55,100 x 10% = 2080 = 29.14). The ice rink attendant will ...

  7. 2021-2025 Amended Capital Improvement Plan

    Finance | Page

    Beacon Relocation 13 Airfield Lighting Replacement 14 FBO Improvements 15 Airport Zoning Update 16 Buildings Five ... CP 2003‐18, 21st St SW (3rd Ave ‐ Horseshoe Lk Rd 104 CP 2016‐1, 6th Ave (4‐5th St) NW Street Reconstruction 105 CP 2018 ... CP 2015‐1, City Wide Overlays‐Sylvan 111 CP 2018‐3, 10th St NE (3rd Ave to CDS) 112 CP 2018‐4, 11th St NE (2nd Ave to 3rd Ave) 113 ...

  8. City Council Regular Meeting

    City Council | Calendar Event | 09/10/12 04:00pm

    1'CStCIGCC, Cd111Ii13l:lCC, ilSS1?l14C 111C LlIlli]SSEICCi. rl'I1451; L'ill'L'U.l'1CS ... GClisultatipn I1V03VC:SAplklCL10! Ort7 'ciGG011tltn; Cit1Gi7IE7 (1 lll,'UV4Ci1Ttt`ItLti UCtll'S ... mty he expresed c?n those 5t 14[t1c;F1I5, OlU' proie:ssiattal standarcis rcquirc the eansilting ...

  9. 2023 Wastewater Collection & Treatment Rate Schedule

    Public Utilities | Page

    2023 Wastewater Collection & Treatment Rate Schedule- City- Adopted 12/14/2022 2023 Wastewater ... Collection & Treatment Rate Schedule- Rural- Adopted 12/14/2022 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info ... COMMISSION CITY WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE Adopted: 12-14 ...

  10. Special Assessments

    Engineering / Public Works | Page

    such properties. All developers shall be required to provide collateral in the form of cash, or ... = 14,985 square feet Assessments based on length are typically the shorter of the two lot dimensions. In ... Utilizing the following algebraic equation and solving for X results in: 1X * 2.25X = 14,985 sq. feet ...
